Sunday, December 14, 2008

some amazing companies in the world

Aakamai :  i have followed this company since its inception in 1998 , these guys  do the following "Akamai's technology – at its core, applied mathematics and algorithms - has transformed the chaos of the Internet into a predictable, scalable, and secure platform for business and entertainment. The Akamai EdgePlatform comprises 40,000 servers deployed in 70 countries that continually monitor the Internet – traffic, trouble spots and overall conditions. We use that information to intelligently optimize routes and replicate content for faster, more reliable delivery. As Akamai handles 20% of total Internet traffic today, our view of the Internet is the most comprehensive and dynamic collected anywhere" want to see live check this

This is a startup from MIT , Boston , Tom Leighton and his Israieli student (he unfortunately died while being in the plane that hit the WTC) have formed some coolest algorithms that enables data to travel faster and richer in the www.. amazingstuff

INtellectual Ventures : recently found about them, founded by ex CTO , Microsoft and party!!  They are an "Invention" company, they invent and patent and commericialize, check them