Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama and Change

One of the most interesting things of American politics is that the more younger you are, the better your chances for winning unlike in India where the reverse is true and more so ironical considering that more Indians are younger than their American Counterparts . In fact Bob Dole who was a great candidate lost out to Bill Clinton only because his age was against him. Change is the campaign theme of Obama but I wonder what would be his "true recipe" for change.I have a prescription for Obama.

1. First and foremost : strengthen the regulatory system of American financial system. from lot of time, its economy was in rubbish, clean up your system. Please .. fully not partially
2. don't backtrack on trade , take the Doha rounds of trade talks forward. much of the anti outsourcing move is rhetoric, your firms will be the biggest looser esp in competitiveness
3. You cant do nation building , reorient your forces for smart tactical moves esp in Iraq , Afganistan etc rather than drawing long term engagement which will yield no result.
4.You have a great opportunity to rebuild PR for  America which has been battered esp in Middle East and South Asia
5.Get rid of Washington cronies and rethink the world order, your best case scenario is in engagement with everyone not isolation

its to be seen what true change obama brings in ..

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